
The world is in need of healthy food – now more than ever. 


Reliability in the deliveries of our vitality boosters is one of our core values. As an internationally operating company, we closely monitor the developments about the corona virus COVID-19. Our condolences go to those affected.

We make every effort to ensure the health of our employees and the continuity of the supply of our products to our customers. To date - even while orders have increased - the supply of our products, packaging and distribution to our customers has been without major problems for the time being.

However, it is difficult for us to predict what consequences the corona virus will have for the continuity of our deliveries in the coming days, weeks or months. In our production process we are very dependent on multiple (external) factors. First of all, the health of our own employees (harvest, production, logistics and office staff). In addition, those of the cultivation and harvest employees of our growing facilities, as well as those of the transport companies with whom we work, and so on. We also depend on the measures that the government will take in the context of the corona virus.

"The world is in need of healthy food – now more than ever. We will do whatever it takes."


We will do whatever it takes. We will continue to take all precautions that are within our reach, in order to guarantee the continuity of our (regular) deliveries. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that we will end up in a situation of force majeure and that deliveries will come under pressure. We will continue to review the situation daily and will keep you updated on important developments.

If there are any questions, we will do our best to answer them for you. We hope to rely on your understanding.

The Limax team.

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